Saturday, 26 May 2012

Home from abroad.

We are thrilled to have eldest son and Oz home for a while- they have brought the sunshine with them. England looks amazing at the moment with all the wild flowers. This is surely the best month of the year and we tell Oz it is always like this!
We have been in this parish for over a year now and The Curate is learning about protocol, parishes and politics - a challenge at the best of times. I am writing reports and planning our escape for a summer holiday so Blogging is on the back burner at the moment. We have had some great walks on the moor - searching for the most recently discovered stone cross -  and the foals are so adorable ( and prolific) at the moment.
The view from the King wall, Dartmoor


  1. Beautiful picture from Kings Wall. It looks like a painting.

  2. Enjoy your family time together. And thanks for these beautiful photos (how did you know I absolutely LOVE Marmite!)

  3. Lol Vegemite is 'the only' spread here in Australia. Personally I prefer Marmalade:)
    Enjoy having your family home and all the tales they no doubt will enthrall you with.
