Saturday, 24 November 2012

after the deluge

The Lakeland inspects the foam
Oh the rain...the rain! The water is running off the moor bringing all the Autumn debris with it. The pipes and gutters are blocked and the torrents of water race down the roads tossing gravel and leaves aside. The flood waters are frothed up on the moor and then rush by leaving  foamy footmarks. When the rain stops, the temporary torrents slow to a trickle and gravel trails cover the roads. The south west has seen roads blocked, train lines flooded and farm land waterlogged. Yesterday was a respite day before more of the promised rain over night and tomorrow.
Yesterday The Curate and I made good use of the dry window by riding out on the moor. It was sodden from the recent rain but it didn't stop us appreciating the wide open spaces after being cooped up inside for the last few days. I am really enjoying riding Major The Clydesdale, who is wintering at Tor Royal Stables from Adventure Clydesdale. I can't believe that two years ago I knew nothing about Clydesdale horses or riding on Dartmoor.

The Collie inspects the water rushing under the clapper bridge.
After the excitement of interviews and appointments, there is a realisation that we still have quite a few months to wait and The Curate's work does not stop here. The Curate is getting on with his day to day job as the season of carol services and celebrations is fast approaching. Of course, I am in retirement but I haven't found much time to think about my previous life! My mind is mentally moving furniture around the rooms of a house I have only seen once. So on Monday we are returning to see the house with the knowledge that it will be our future home. 

The Curate and I were shown it separately on the interview day and we had no time to discuss it together. It was interesting to see what he had noticed compared to what I remembered. I had walked round the house on the interview day unable to, or wanting to, comprehend that this house could be our next home. I gave it all a cursory glance, not wanting to pre-empt the interview decision. Now we have to decide on paint colours, we have to meet the diocese property people to discuss updates and improvements - all to be finished by February - as this is when we are supposed to move in. My plans for 'retirement' activities may need to be put on hold. (There is also the added distraction of Tess the new pup, who was 3 weeks old yesterday!)

Tess - 3 weeks old


  1. I read about all the flooding in the UK - sounds horrific! But I'm happy to hear you are getting out - you and the Major make a good-looking pair. Maybe he could be talked into going to Dorset, too? And Tess looks sweet beyond description. It really sounds like you are NOT retiring, just taking on another job.
    A thought - take your camera when you next visit your home-to-be.

    1. Thanks - yes we have asked for floor plans so I can write on measurements of windows ( for curtains) and I will take loads of photos so there are no arguments between the curate and me as to what was there!

  2. Our weather has been much rain (although we are known for it here). I am so excited for your upcoming adventures! It sounds like you will not have a "dull moment" for quite a while. I hope you have great fun with ALL of it!

    1. Thank you we certainly are of a mind that 'life is for living' let's get on with it!

  3. I suspected that retirement would be busy! Hope you enjoy all that's ahead of you. Axxx

  4. Busy but much more fun! How is it that the days seem shorter now? There are not enough hours in the day.

  5. Wow, that all sounds very exciting!
