Saturday, 27 October 2012


That's it - decision made - job done!  We can now focus on moving on and working out where we are supposed to be. I had a super last day at work - thanks to a friend's excellent cake cooking and kindness. There were no regrets and no doubts about whether I had done the right thing or not - just a certainty that all would be well. The Curate and I celebrated with a fish and chip supper in our van parked up on the Moor. Madness at it's best! Suddenly life seems incredibly busy and we have so much to do, I wonder how it will all get done. Life is exciting and busy! (Can you sense those giggle bubbles?)


  1. Congratulations! And here's to lots of new adventures :-)

  2. Dear Harriet - I can heartily recommend 'retirement'!! Be prepared for some of the busiest times of your life. Axxx

  3. Your retirement celebration meal looks brilliant. Congratulations....enjoy, enjoy. J.

  4. Happy retirement! Wishing you the best of everything. Enjoy!

  5. Welcome to Retirement, the Busiest time of your Life:)

  6. I love your little van Harriet. Nice and cosy!
    Nothing is better than fish & chips, with a view to boot!
    You may have to pop a few of those balloons or you won't leave your selves much space. lol
    Congratulations on your retirement!
    x Jode

  7. Congratulations and enjoy your new life. Retirement is most definitely to be recommended. :-)

  8. I'm not sure it really is retirement just a refocusing of life. I still find myself looking at teaching job adverts when The Curate is looking at clergy vacancies. I must stop doing that because I want to use this as an opportunity to explore new things. Thank you all for your kind wishes - and Jode there is very little space in the van...with or without balloons!
