Saturday, 10 November 2012

Next Steps

8 days old

Life has not slowed down yet except for yesterday when I was puppy sitting The Collie's new pups and mum for the afternoon. The six pups fed and then slept, grunting and squeaking rather like guinea pigs as they snuggled up to each other. Their eyes are not open so we are still waiting to see if any have the collie blue eyes. I had taken a bagful of things to do but as it was, I spent the afternoon just watching and photographing. It was so restful and mum was so calm that I was able to take the time to reflect on the past two days events.

The Curate and I have just returned from an interview that started with drinks on the night before and ended with a lovely lunch the next day. In between, The Curate was interviewed by two panels and preached on the gospel. I visited the various parishes attached to the vacancy with other interviewee's wives and drank coffee and ate cake. It is with great joy that I can say that The Curate was successful and we now know where we are heading. I can say no more until it is officially announced but - we are on our way!

In the meantime, we are thrilled with the pups and we are trying to choose one to join us on the next stage of our journey. Here they are:-



  1. Wonderful news, Harriet!!! I'm so pleased for you both and await the formal announcement with bated breath.

    The pups are so sweet and I'm sure one of them will choose you before long. :-)

  2. Congradulations on the curate's posting! And now for the really difficult decision ... which adorable pup to take into your family!!! They are all so sweet and precious.

  3. Congratulations and blessings to you and the Curate. I would find it very difficult to choose from among the pups, they are all so sweet.

  4. Many congratulations - such an exciting time! There's one of these puppies that I wouldn't hesitate in choosing but I'm not saying which. I think Perpetua is right - one of them will choose you! All the very best.

  5. Congratulations on The Curate's appointment ... best wishes for you both as you travel along this pathway:)
    Those puppies are sooooo cute! How to choose between such delightful tiny scraps of life?

  6. Catching up with your blog--amazing, a new job, a new puppy. Beautiful photographs!!
    I have moved to wordpress. If you could update your blogroll with my new blog, I would be so grateful.

    Thanks, Harriet
