Wednesday, 21 December 2011

The Nativity Play

The vicar never misses an opportunity to perform.
The season of church and school nativity plays is in full force. Each one I watch offers secondary scenes to the main story (- if you happen to catch them). The shepherds, tired of waiting, compete to get their crooks higher into the air. And I  just wait for one to come toppling down on an unsuspecting sheep.

 Then there is the angel who spends the whole of the play gazing at the older angel's halo, which happens to be raised up on a piece of wire. What is she thinking? 'I want one of those' or 'What's that above her head?' or 'Why's she got a TV aerial on her head?'
a little halo jealousy

Of course, I can't publish photographs of these moments, so quick, amateur pen sketches help to fix them in my mind. They provided the inspiration for the following verse written in fun (and of no great literary merit), some years ago.

some boys just don't like dresses

The Nativity

 The school hall was quite overflowing
 For the Christmas play was now showing.
There were Mums, Dads and Grans,
And babies in prams
And the faces of children were glowing

 As the lighting went dim,
The actors crept in,
Shepherds, sheep and a star,
Three kings from afar.
The play was about to begin! 

It was very well planned,
They knew where to stand.
Each king and his page
Marched onto the stage.
In their purple and gold, they looked grand.

One shepherd had enough of the staring,
And lifted his shift, without caring.
For the rest of the play
He remained in this way
And we admired the red pants he was wearing!


  1. Harriet, a lovely poem, and wonderful sketches!
    I wish you and the Curate a most wonderful Christmas, and the best in the New year!

  2. Gosh, sketches and poetry as well as lovely photos. Is there no end to your talents, Harriet? You really capture essence of Nativity play here. I love it.

  3. Such sweet, beguiling drawings! I love them! Have a wonderful, wonderful Christmas, Harriet!! I SO enjoy the glimpses into your world through your talented eyes! Looking forward to many more in 2012!!

  4. Wonderful drawings! They bring make many happy memories of my children in the nativity play ... some played with gusto, some so shy they forgot the words!
    Happy and Blessed Christmas to you and yours.

  5. Many thanks for your kind comments - long may the nativity play continue to be performed in so many places. It has caused me palpitations in the past, when I have been responsible for producing it, but also great joy when I have been in the audience.
    I hope you all have a great Christmas.

  6. I'm so impressed with your drawings. Lovely.

    Happy (exhausting) Christmas to you both.
