Sunday, 6 November 2011

A Wonderful Wedding

 Another weekend when The Curate and I were in another part of the country. We attended the lovely wedding of the youth worker from our last parish on the north coast. She was marrying the youth minister at this Baptist church in Stevenage. They are both committed Christians and wanted this to be a very God centred wedding service but it was also youthful and vibrant. There was no choir or organ music. The youth band from the church played and there were modern songs as well as a modern arrangement of 'Be thou my vision'.

The Minister for this church spoke of the joy of this Christian wedding and  the couple's desire to continue with their youth work. While the register was signed, we listened to favourite music and watched an amusing collection of the bride and groom's photographs. The Curate was involved and many of the young people joined him at the front to pray for the two of them . Yes - The Curate is still waiting to officiate at his first wedding in his own parish and so long distances were travelled to get some wedding experience...and then it was in a Baptist Church! 
He was very pleased to be involved with this wedding. 

There were cupcakes and tea for everyone while the photos were taken. Then the bride and groom left for the reception in a suitable vehicle.
The reception was lovely.The Curate and I always enjoy a Ceilidh and we danced until we were exhausted and until the newly married couple left for their secret destination. Ceilidhs are great for including everyone- young and old a like. There was a lot of laughter. It was lovely meeting friends and family and to be included in such a happy occasion.

 What they didn't see was the confetti being recycled!

....or the The Baptist Minister hoovering the church to get it ready for Sunday services. Church ministers have to be very versatile people these days!

Weddings are such joyful occasions and this one, with its modern service, was particularly delightful.


  1. Hello Harriet:
    This sounds to have been a very happy occasion and we are delighted to learn that you enjoyed yourselves well into the night with fun, food and dancing.

    It is so refreshing to hear of a wedding taking place in church these days for what, possibly, may be described as the right reasons rather than simply chosen as an attractive venue.

  2. That sounds like a great weekend and a wedding to remember, Harriet. DH's niece had a Baptist wedding a few years ago which sounds very similar - committed bride and groom, lots of young people and a great deal of fun. Fingers crossed The Curate gets to take his first wedding before long.

  3. Cupcakes, tea, and CAN'T go wrong!
    Life sounds good :)

  4. Cupcakes, tea, confetti AND a ceilidh... surely nothing could be better! Lovely. Axxx

  5. I do love a Wedding. It's nice to see the old VW getting an outing too!

    I recent commenter on my blog, said that she came via'The Other Half's blog. I wasn't sure at first if she meant her other half, so I came to investigate. It is very nice to meet you, and I am quite flattered that you have me on your sidebar. Thankyou! I hope you have an interesting and fulfilling week, love Linda x

  6. You can't beat the Baptist Church for a good "do". I was A "dunker" til I married the Rev. The Church of Scotland seems quite sedate compared. They think I am a heathen!! Not really they are a good bunch.

  7. Oh what a week - Just catching up o all your comments. Everyone loves a wedding! I must remember to use 'dunker' when I next meet my Baptist friends, Tootallburd! Good to see you over here from Flowers on my table - I love your Blog so I'm glad others are hopping on to it. Hello Perpetua - The Curate has taken to offering himself to other parishes so a wedding shouldn't be too far off.
    Annie and Elizabeth - Cupcakes , tea,confetti, ceilidh , sit down meal and 250 miles = very tired Curate and wife!
